CLICKBAITCOUNTER basically consists of a speculative design router that materializes through physical “touches”, the filter it performs on lists of IPs or websites considered as “ClickBait”. This time the physical touches will be made on a shift dispenser on which we can check numerically, the number of times we unconsciously link with this type of websites not very well intended.
What we call Clickbait ?: Clickbait is a neologism in English used in a pejorative way to describe Internet content that aims to generate advertising revenue, especially at the expense of the quality or accuracy of these, depending on sensationalist headlines to attract a higher proportion of clicks and encourage the sending of such material through social networks.
To check its operation, we can connect as a usual wifi access point and navigate as if we did in any other network. If we are lucky, we will probably find that the router will activate its small arm to indicate on the scoreboard that it has detected one of these pages or links at some time.
El futuro cortidiano, DHUB, Barcelona.
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Available for sale or exhibition

Concep, design, code: Román Torre
Production: Ángeles Angulo
Rotor Studio

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