Flowers & Antennas is the title of the solo exhibicion for NBO at Art Gallery Sabadell-Herrero. The idea originated from an aesthetic confrontation between the strategies of nature in its relationship with the environment (Flowers) and the technological and scientific developments that, as living organisms, we also develop to engage with and understand the world (Antennas).

The proposal comprises two installations: a photographic mural featuring 40 images filtered through smoked acrylic, depicting flowers and antennas; and a central audiovisual installation positioned at the heart of the room. The latter operates in conjunction with several elements: two types of luminous modules and natural plants (the quantity adjusted according to the exhibition space). In the background, two 50-inch screens generate graphics that serve as the engine for the piece, complemented by various prints of the graphics on glossy paper mounted on the rear wall.

NBO 2020 / Sala Sabadell Herrero.
From: 03.10.20 to 01.11.20

Concept, production, design, programing: Ángeles Angulo y Román Torre
Curated by José Castellanos
Rotor Studio / Fotoweb4-Álex Piña

1. Flowers | Photographic mural located at the entrance of the gallery that aims to juxtapose images of wild flora with images of observatories and experiments situated in various parts of Spain. These include the Hispano-German observatory in Calar Alto (Almería), the communications center of the INTA-NASA deep space network in Fresnedilla de la Oliva (Madrid), and the international observatory in Izaña, at the foot of Mount Teide (Tenerife).
2. Antennas | The main audiovisual installation centers on and draws inspiration from the phenomenon of cosmic radiation. It explores how nature consistently receives a shower of high-energy particles, impacting our development as living beings.
A light topography, functioning as a substantial cosmic ray detector, coexists with numerous natural plants and adjusts its light configurations. We observe this «rain of lightning» through the interplay of light and two screens positioned at the back of the room.